
NYOUM is a private social network.

On NYOUM, you can share your life with those you love. No ads. No likes.


Social media platforms are designed to broadcast digital content to friends or followers without a personal connection, often lacking adequate content moderation and privacy protection.

At the same time, these platforms incorporate communication capabilities previously only known in traditional messaging platforms, which were centered around text messaging and closed circles. The convergence of social media and messaging platforms, along with the evident shortcomings of social networks, necessitates a new model.

NYOUM is that new model.

Our product

NYOUM uses embedded generative AI to reimagine how to share your life with those you love. It is built for multimedia, full multi-modal and private by design.

NYOUM enables new forms of visual expression designed by leading artists with its innovative AI model.

With NYOUM's embedded Natural Language Processing (NLP) and open-source Large Language Models (LLM), users can generate server-less live captions, translated into over 50 languages at the recipient’s end.

Every AI model with NYOUM is multi-modal, supporting speech-to-text, video-to-video, and image-to-image messages both online and offline.

NYOUM’s live calling is built on a gaming engine to improve eye contact, enhance speaker engagement, and combat the call fatigue experienced in usual video conferencing applications.

NYOUM provides features for multimedia journaling, allowing users to keep a diary and share key moments of their day.

Private by design

NYOUM is ad-free and built on a decentralised model to fully protect privacy.

All processing and generative AI is kept on the device, so user data is never exposed to anyone including NYOUM’s servers.

NYOUM’s biometric ID is based on face recognition and will serve as two-factor authentication, adding an extra layer of security.

Democratising our platform

In a first-of-its-kind initiative, NYOUM is committed to democratising the platform by transferring ownership to its users within five years, allowing investors to exit in a single transaction.

Share your life
with those you love

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